Julian Mithra writes about things that haven't happened and never will happen. They hover between genders and genres, border-mongering and -mongreling.
Winner of the 2023 Alcove Chapbook Prize, Promiscuous Ruin (WTAW) twists through labyrinthine deer stalks in the imperiled wilderness of inhibited desire. An experimental archive, Unearthingly (KERNPUNKT, 2022) excavates forgotten spaces. Poetry chapbooks on queer embodiment and collage zines from obsolete scientific textbooks explore nonbinary affinities through child-like folklore, embellished with leather and wood. For an experimental record of trans*masculinity, they're currently searching for a publisher. The novel-in-synoptic stories is set in a speculative 1829 Philadelphia, where natural scientists rival evangelical millenarianists for insight into the sublunary and sublime. Meanwhile, their current work wades into marshland as a psychogeography for emotional archives. |